The Coolaburragundy River is a river in New South Wales, Australia.
The river rises on the south-west slopes of the Liverpool Range, about 15 kilometres north-east of the town of Coolah, New South Wales. One of the head-streams of the river drains Pandoras Pass. Runoff from Coolah Tops National Park also runs into the river. [1] The river flows past Coolah in a south-westerly direction, and joins the Talbragar River near Leadville, New South Wales. [2] Water from the Coolaburragundy River subsequently reaches the Macquarie, Darling and Murray River in times of high flow.
There is sufficient water for limited irrigated cropping on the fertile alluvial soils along the valley. Although the river itself is usually dry, an aquifer lies below the Coolaburragundy valley between Coolah and Dunedoo, New South Wales.[3]
The Craboon-Coolah branch off the Gwabegar railway line ran close to the Coolaburragundy River throughout its length. The line was closed around 1979.